Season 2020 with a Twist
We are open for season 2020. We are not accepting NEW CLIENTS, we are very sorry.
For our current clients, and those who have started our initial consultation, we are here to serve you.
At one time, we thought we are shut down for the season and then it changes to open with limited capacity, then we are open.
It have been a roller coaster, we thought we were ready for this twisty scheduling due to mother nature and weather systems, having worked many seasons...……...but NO. This is another test, with new protocols.
We will send out schedules to our current clients on May 1, 2020 and the materials needed.
We thank you for your patience, it has been difficult, but we believe we are
powerful as a community. Let us all STAY HOME, STAY SAFE and together, we will grow.
We love you all, thank you so much for all your support all these years.
Team LGS