Season 2019 ( May 1 to October 31, 2019)
It is an exciting season for 2019. The winter is long and we cannot wait to check the gardens and get our hands dirty.
Spring clean up is on the way. We would like to request our clients to hold off early clean up - there are still beneficial bugs in the ground that needed to hatch, needed sometime to grow and be free. We spent time in fall to make them a home - at the corner of our gardens, among the leave. Please be patient and let them be.
We will be driving by our sites, April 23rd Tuesday. Some areas have ice under your sub-soil. It may look thawed, but it needs a week of sunshine to be workable, please bear with us.
We have encountered technical glitched within April rush of emails. Please let us know if you have receive any reply from us, or send us an email at , we will try our best to get caught up.
Our price range for spring gardening opening package starts at $600. This will include clean up and edging your garden beds, adding nutrients to your garden and preparing the site for flowers, herbs, vegetables to be added to your garden.
We thank you for your patience, and we hope for beautiful sunshine and evening rains.The flowers needs our patience to bloom and our hearts are singing with joy in the sun. We dance with our weather, it has its own series of steps and twist, but that is nothing new to us. We garden with a smile, and we are bee friendly and we support pollinator gardens and permaculture practices. We hope to see you around, in the meantime, our plants need our daily conversations.
Happy Easter and May your families be blessed with the most wonderful blooms of the season.
Angelina and 2019 LGS Crew